Elisabeth Major, Owner of Complexe Canin Le Baron
I have always been fascinated and impressed by dog training. My love for dogs led me to my dream career. In 2010, I followed a course to become a dog trainer with my own German Shepherd who had reactivity problems. Following my training, I wanted to continue helping people like Louis Marc Des Ruisseaux helped me understand my dog which allowed me to give him a long life filled with great experiences. The key is good supervision, and teaching ourselves to read our dog's body language.
After having worked at Centre Canin Des Ruisseaux for 10 years, in 2021 I decided to leave on my own and devote myself to creating and adapting services to help and inform you of all that is dog-related.
My passion will help and guide you in your learning. Let me go the way with you!

Our team
I work in collaboration with this exceptional team carefully selected to offer you as much support as possible:

Maitre-Chien: Daycare, Odor Detection courses, Group Classes
We think we know dogs and that they are easy to live with on a daily basis. Let me tell you, it's more complex than it seems, it's an irrational world of details and subtleties.
Newly certified as a Dog Handler, my learning continues and my passion continues to develop. I love canine instincts, I often get goosebumps when I see a dog working and being happy to do it for its owner. I have a weakness for scent work. I love watching a dog following a trail or looking for its target by scent detection.
Looking forward to talking about dogs together!
Apprenti Maitre Chien: Garderie de Jour, Cours de Groupe, Atelier
Passionnée des animaux depuis tous jour, elle ce spécialise depuis 3 ans dans le milieu canin. Elle a fini sa formation pour devenir éducatrice canine en 2024. Elle est responsiable et déterminée tout en ayant à coeur le respect de l'animal et de la clientèle. Étant de nature positive et énergique, elle ce fera donc plaisir de vous rencontrer afin de répondre à vos besoins et ceux de votre ami à quatre pattes!
Vous la vers dans la garderie de jour, les ateliers et les cours de groupes.